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a boutique publishing company

Here at Synergistic Publishing we cater to one thing - healthy thoughts. We follow one rule, healthy living through positive thinking. We do one thing differently than any other publishing company - we employee people who have the ability to connect clean, clear, and accurate with their nonphysical Team of Guides. We not only encourage but require that they use their ability throughout the publishing process.


We voluntarily invite your Guide into the work that we do. It is what Source Lead Living is all about and it is how synergistic experiences are created. We love channeled material, we love our product, we love the way you find us, we love the way we are guided verbally in everything we do. We love living this life alongside our own Guide as well as being in awe of them. 



Carol Collins - owner, publisher, channel for The Teachers

the synergistic difference

Hi, I am Carol Collins, publisher and owner of Synergistic Publishing as well as America's Medium and channel for The Teachers. I define myself as a "channeled author, teacher, advisor, motivational speaker, and humanitarian."


In 2019 I had my "awakening" and as often as I tell the story of how trance channeling found me; it amazes me to this day. The Teachers are a group of nonphysical teachers and I allow them to guide me in everything I do. They began to write books through me using video to capture the dictation in 2021 and authored eleven books cover-to-cover - and that was just year one! The list of their intended books is constantly growing and as I evaluated the return on investment of publishing costs versus the quality of material being produced by The Teachers, I became disheartened. The Teachers came to the rescue as they always do and guided me to create this company and brought to me their knowing of how to make it a unique and equitable effort for channeled people.


No matter where you go, the process equals these basic steps; evaluate, review, edit, layout selection and formatting, artwork creation, proofreading, final approval, and finally publishing. While following the standard practices of publishing we also add one unique step - we invite your Guide Team into the conversation about your needs. Channeled material is what The Teachers call "vibrationally accurate, intelligently designed, and is not to be edited."  We understand and respect this.


If you are an inspirational author, channeled guidance is always available to you as part of your commitment to us as your publishers. You will find details about this in our Services section. If you are a channeled author, we invite you to have channeled conversations with us to ensure that we publish exactly what they are knowing is needed for their work.

what we publish


Channeled Material

These books, journals, affirmation decks or other material are authored from the non-physical dimension through a channeled medium. All submissions are validated by The Teachers through the publisher as true channeled material before beginning the publishing process.


Inspirational Material

Inspired and traditional forms of writing, this category is written by the human being themself. We carefully curate our authors based on their assimilation with the positive thought movement and integrating positivity into the daily lives of others.



Supplementary Items

All of the "feel good" supplies to honor your self-worth, your intuitiveness, and your desire for positivity. We encourage blending with us to produce your journals, workbooks, decks, cards, and tools for healthy living.



meet our team


Owner, publisher, and channel for The Teachers. With 27 books and journals under her belt personally as an author, she knows how arduous the publishing process can be. Through her, The Teachers provide verbal guidance and instruction for each author as well as during team collaboration sessions. At Synergistic Publishing, we use the abilities that have been given to us. It is what Source Lead Living is all about.

Carol Collins

Publisher, Channel for The Teachers

Reading Glasses on Book

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